Do you have a neighborhood bully?

Do you have a lunch-money-stealing, name-calling, fist-waving, voice-raising neighborhood bully who makes everyone miserable?

Bullies have the run of my neighborhood. They intimidate my neighbors… and me. They don’t throw punches, but they sure do play dirty. The bully of loneliness makes us feel like no one sees our pain. They bully of fear traps us in our homes. The bully of rejection shames us into believing we’re worthless. The bullies of loss, pain and frustration make us cower. The bullies of divorce, financial ruin, addiction and anger steal our joy and our hope.

I call to you, God, because I’m sure of an answer.
So—answer! bend your ear! listen sharp!
Paint grace-graffiti on the fences;
take in your frightened children who
are running from the neighborhood bullies straight to you.

Psalm 17:6-7 The Message

I pray our neighbors will find refuge from neighborhood bullies in our homes. I pray we will hear their calls for help. When they’re on the run, I pray they will find grace, hope and peace in our friendship. I pray God will “wondrously show His lovingkindness” through us, as another translation reads. And I pray that we will play a small part in leading them straight into the arms of their Savior.

The bullies of divorce, financial ruin, addiction and anger steal our joy and our hope.
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