I am writing a book called
How to Love Your Neighbor Without Being Weird
that will be published by Baker Books this spring!
Will you help me write my book?
Sharing your experiences about your own neighbors will help others face their fears, overcome their excuses, and love their neighbors in a whole new way. Each week I’ll ask questions on the blog and on Facebook – and your responses may be quoted in the book! Plus, each week one commenter will win a Neighborhood Cafe Macchiato Moments music CD and a $10 Starbucks Gift Certificate!
Subscribe to this blog to receive the questions in your Inbox each week, and make sure follow along on our Facebook page, too!
How to Love Your Neighbor Without Being Weird will help women:
- Discover natural ways to get to know your neighbors without being weird
- Overcome fears about sharing your faith and find fulfillment in obeying Christ’s #2 command
- Maximize your time by offering simple hospitality—not extravagant entertaining—to many neighbors at once
- Make new friends with women who were once strangers as you form authentic relationships
- Create a sanctuary on your streets as united neighbors form a safe, secure community to raise your families
A most important request…
Will you also pray for me as I finish the manuscript by August 1? Please pray that I will have clarity, wisdom, creativity and organization in my writing. Pray for new revelation about God’s plan and command for us to love our neighbors. Pray that I can put aside distractions and concentrate well. Pray that God is glorified and neighborhoods – even entire cities! – are redeemed by the grace of Jesus Christ!